The company nextmarkets Trading Limited operates through the website The firm is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) and has developed its own web-based trading platform.
The platform looks quite simple and easy-to-use. It is web based and runs directly from the Trading/Curated Trading menu of the website once you log in. The entire workspace is occupied by the chart window. The default view is Curated Trading. This is a kind of copy trading feature where you can follow a strategy of available experts. You can choose which one to follow or you can switch to Trading mode where you trade for yourself. All features of the platform are available from the context menus on the bar above the chart. The favorites can be added or removed from the Watchlist menu. You have access to all available instruments from the Products menu. There is also a search box here. Clicking the instrument opens the corresponding chart.
Orders can be placed by clicking the Go Short or Go Long buttons at the top right corner of the chart. The Trade window opens and here you can set the type of order (market, or entry).
When you enter the valid amount the Place Order button becomes active and a click on it places your order.
Already open positions can be viewed in the table below the chart. Here you can modify and close positions one by one. The other tabs are for Followed Trades, Followed Analyses and Closed Positions.
As we mentioned, the chart module occupies almost the entire workspace. Chart types include candlesticks, HeikinAshi, bars, lines, and area (mountains). Time frame starts from one minute to one week.
There is a Time Range menu where you can adjust how much time in the past you would like to see in the chart. Zooming can be done only by the dedicated button. When you activate it, you can choose which chart area to be zoomed. Graphical objects are available from the Tools menu and include different types of lines, distance tool, text, and Fibonacci retracement.
27 technical indicators are available from the Indicators menu. You can choose which price to be displayed – bid or ask or go to the logarithmic axis from the Settings menu.
Overall, the platform is extremely simple and intuitive. It provides all the necessary features for basic trading and is only suitable for beginners. More experienced traders would prefer another terminal such as the MetaTrader.
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